Marketing for real estate agents can be tough in such a competitive market. Learn the best marketing tactics as an agent to seal the deal on every property.
Marketing can be overwhelming in every industry, but with the current housing market skyrocketing, you as a real estate agent need to learn how to stand out and get homeowners to choose you!
You may be asking yourself where you should start because you have heard that you need to master every marketing concept in order to be successful. The truth is you don’t have to be at a mastery level, you just need to get started, be consistent, and show confidence!
Before you start applying these marketing strategies, be sure to take a look at The Importance of Market Research. This will help you to define your target market and easily gather local demographic data to make sure you aren’t wasting your marketing budget!
Marketing Musts for Real Estate Agents
First things first, you need a website. The first reason that this is a non-negotiable option is that you want to land on the first page of Google, and you will want to use Facebook ads. You cannot do either one without a website.
Whether you choose to DIY your site or outsource it, here’s what you need on your real estate website.
- About page – including career achievements first then add details about your personal life
- Portfolio – showcase your current home listings
- Events page – make a calendar with a list of open houses
- Contact form – people need a way to get in touch with you
- Social Media Links – lead them to your business social profiles
- Lead Magnet – Come up with an idea for free to get people on your email list
- Blog – Relative, helpful articles for your audience that also help you to rank on Google
Social Media Profiles
You don’t have to master every platform because that’s impossible. The most beneficial platforms to be on to get in front of potential clients is Facebook and Instagram. For professional networking you should have a Linked In profile.
In order to be successful on any social media channel, you need to be consistent with posting. I know you’re thinking but how can I do that when I’m so busy? Or I don’t know what to post! Here are tons of social media ideas for real estate agents! This list is huge and you can build out a content calendar for a WHOLE month in just a couple of hours!
Facebook Ads
Once you have your website up and running you can start building out your Facebook Ads. There are a number of ways to target your audience so be sure to take advantage of that!
Don’t know where to start with Ads? Check out Facebook Ads for Real Estate Agents! We created this just for you to help you easily build campaigns that will get you in front of your ideal customer!
Email Marketing

If social media were to stop today, do you have a list built that will keep you afloat? If Google decides to demote your website, can your people still find you?
This is why you need an email list. These are YOUR people. Statistics show that people who are on your email list are more likely to purchase from you. Not to mention the ROI is HUGE! Email marketing yields 3800% when it comes to your return on investment!
Keep your customers up to date on the newest listings, open houses, your success, testimonials, events, and helpful tips as a homeowner or renter.
Direct Mail
Sometimes this can be somewhat costly and eat up most of your marketing budget. Look at what competitors are doing. If they aren’t sending out mailers, this may be your way into a different audience. However, if your budget doesn’t allow for this, go with social media ads or Google Ads.
Google Ads
Google Ads are a great way to get on the first page when you are new to real estate marketing. You actually need to set a budget of about $600 in order to stay on Google’s good side. However, it doesn’t mean you will actually spend that much. You are only charged when people click on your links. Sometimes you can even get leads for FREE!
For example, someone searches your name or company. They see your Google Ad, but they want to check out your Facebook page. So they head to Facebook, then make contact with you. Guess what? You just got a potential client for FREE but used Google to be found.
Before starting Google Ads, be sure to set up your Google My Business profile first and completely fill out all of the information.
Business Cards
This one seems obvious, but you wouldn’t believe the number of agents who never have cards on them! You can design your own and go through Vistaprint and get these relatively cheap when compared to other marketing costs.
There you have it! 6 useful and important marketing strategies for real estate agents! We would love your feedback! Which marketing tactic has been most useful for building your business?
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