One of the best ways to learn new business management techniques is to read blogs of famous entrepreneurs as they are on the cutting edge of new practices that could be applied to the business to yield maximum profitability. Some of the more well known entrepreneurs such as Richard Branson and
However, also look at advice provided by top CEOs such as Tim Cook since such people have much more clear insight as what business will face in the coming years and how to gear up for it. CEOs also place special emphasis on employing and retaining the best talent in the market to ensure best results for the company this is one tactic that should be followed by any company since people are the key resource needed to achieve business objectives.

Entrepreneurs and business management blogs
Elon Musk – has become one of the top entrepreneurs over a relatively short period of time for his ability to work hard to achieve a vision that most of us could only dream of – take a look at some of the key facts into success and how you can apply them to your work ethic.
Richard Branson – one of the most flamboyant entrepreneurs of our times – he also has a lot to say about how business should be managed and how entrepreneurs should have fun doing it.
Warren Buffet – undisputed leader in making the right investments at the right time and also has the uncanny knack of picking the right people to run his portfolio of businesses. He is completely a results oriented person.
Oprah Winfrey – has built on of the biggest media empires and is one of the best talk shows when it comes to people that influence and create real life outcomes. Take a look at her blog for tips on how to achieve personal growth to help in better management.
Tim Cook – has been on the cutting edge of innovation for a long time – No doubt following his exploits will help build any business to new heights. Learn from Apple innovation secrets and try to apply the principles to your own business. – is like having a CEO advising you as they have the latest changes to the world of small business so take a good look at what they have to offer your business.