Sending bulk emails can be tricky, especially when you’re new to marketing and email. It’s essential to understand how the process works so that you can send emails without landing in spam.
Without proper information, many marketers and businesses stumble when they send their first email. Oftentimes it’s a learning curve that they have to traverse. That is why we’re here to help with our step-by-step guide on how to send bulk emails without landing in spam. Here are ten tips to help you get started.
1. Avoid Using “no-reply” in the Address for Bulk Emails
If you’re sending an email to a prospect or potential client, don’t use the “no-reply” email address. Instead, use a clean, professional email address that is not considered “bulk.” For example, if you’re Joe Smith selling widgets, your email should not be [email protected] Instead it should be [email protected]
Using a clean, professional email address will make you stand out to your prospects. This it will make it more difficult for your email to be mistaken for spam.
2. Use an Email Deliverability Tool
The best way to test if your email address is deliverable is to use an email deliverability tool. These tools will tell you how many actual emails you’re sending, how many people are opening your emails, and which recipients are failing to open your emails. This is the gold standard for spam testing.

By downloading and using an email deliverability tool, you can ensure that you’re sending a clean, professional bulk email that isn’t landing in spam. If you’re considering sending a bulk email to your entire list without first making sure that the email address is deliverable, we recommend against it. You’ll just be wasting your time and effort.
3. Use a Professional Email Signature
Add your “From” name to your email signature so that people know who you are when they receive the email. Then, in the signature, include your company’s information, such as your phone number, website address, and location.
Also, add a disclaimer noting that it’s okay to opt out. Some marketers feel this doesn’t look professional or looks like spam, but these act as extra defense mechanisms to protect you from getting into trouble with spam filters.
4. Write a Catchy Subject Line
You want to keep your subject lines short and to the point. Be sure your subject line is clear so that at a quick glance your prospects will know what the email is about. Avoid getting too wordy or being too clever because it will backfire, and your message could end up in spam.
You also want to ensure that you include keywords in your subject line. This will increase the likelihood of your emails being read.

5. Keep Your Messages Short and to the Point
Ensure all your emails are as short and to the point as possible. Doing this will save people time. Then they’ll be more likely to open up your email. They will be able to see at a glance that they won’t have to waste their time reading a novel just to know why you’re emailing them.
Make sure that all of your paragraphs are short and concise. Get right to the point about what you need or what you’re offering in your email. Some clients do not have the patience for lengthy emails. So if you want to make a good impression, you need to make sure that your emails are short and sweet.
6. Use Alt Tags for Images in Bulk Emails
When you add images to your email campaigns, use alt tags so the reader knows what the image is about. These not only act as a defense mechanism for spam filters but also for readers who may be visually impaired or have disabled images.
The alt tags act as a guide for the reader. They let readers know what the image is so they can read it instead of clicking on an image that looks spam. Doing this will ensure that your messages are read and that people know what it’s about.
7. Include a Plain Text Version of Your Email
Including a plain text version of your email is essential. This way, recipients can easily understand what you’re offering. Even if the reader doesn’t want to take action, they’ll at least be able to see what you’re offering and make an informed decision.

Some marketers feel that they need to send an HTML version of their emails since it’s easier to read. But this can confuse recipients and cause them to think that you’re trying to trick them into sending you something in return.
8. Avoid Using All Caps and Excessive Exclamation Points
This is one of the biggest mistakes people make when emailing a prospect or potential client. They may think they’re being super assertive and exciting. But in reality, using all caps and excessive exclamation points comes off as spammy. It makes the email look unprofessional.
It’s essential to use proper capitalization and not overuse exclamation points or all caps. Your emails should be clean, concise, and to the point.
9. Use a Reputable Service Provider for Bulk Emails
Make sure you use a reputable email service provider such as Mail Chimp or SendGrid for your email campaign. Doing this will ensure that spam filters will not flag your messages because the messages will have come from a legitimate email service provider.
It’s important to ensure you don’t use unsanctioned services such as Gmail and Yahoo since these will cause your messages to be flagged and filtered as spam.
10. Test Your Email Before Sending it to Your Entire List
You must test your email before you send it to your entire list. If there are any problems, you can modify them and try again until they’re perfect. It’s also essential to include a disclaimer at the bottom of every email, reminding people that they can opt out of your emails anytime. This will prevent your emailing some people who don’t want you to contact them anymore or who didn’t give consent for you to contact them in the first place.
Follow These Tips for Better Results with Bulk Emails
By following the ten tips above, you’ll be able to increase the likelihood of your emails being read and your messages being viewed as professional. By being consistent with your “From” name, using a professional email signature and crafting short and to-the-point subject lines, as well as short paragraphs with bolded headings (with proper capitalization), people will be able to know what you’re offering in your email. Also, don’t forget to test-run all your email messages before sending them to ensure they work properly.
Pick up more tips and tricks to help you with your marketing efforts by browsing our blog regularly.
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