Featured image from Jonathan Rolande on Flickr
The mobile age has been with us for a little more than a decade now. Mobile devices have become a standard—even a dominant—form of internet access.
So prevalent is this form of integration that more than half of all video streaming now comes from mobile devices. In fact, mobile media consumption has increased 504% since 2011.
Just as profound as mobile’s effects on media are its ramifications for online business engagement. Furthermore, refusing to adapt to this new reality can be costly to your business. So what do modern business owners and managers need to keep in mind?
Updating Websites to Modern HTML5 for the Mobile Age
Traditionally, small to medium-sized businesses approached functionality first on their websites. When they achieved that, they tended to allow those websites to stagnate, apparently assuming they would remain useful. But their customers’ enthusiastic shift toward the mobile age now challenges this notion.
Today, getting the most of a business website means utilizing modern HTML5 and related technologies. Businesses must build sites that are scalable to underpowered and smaller mobile devices to a cutting-edge folding systems and the vast array between those two extremes. In other word, modern business websites must be able to automatically adapt to a wide variety of mobile systems. This can require investing in a complete redesign in extreme cases. However, in refusing to adapt, businesses face a long-term cost that is often much greater.
Utilizing Traffic and Data Analysis Tools
Updating websites and computer systems can make them infinitely more functional and attractive for the mobile age. Nonetheless, complexity can come at a cost. The more moving parts a computer system offers, the greater its odds of failure. To address this risk, businesses that host their own servers need to seriously consider management and analysis tools to ensure smooth operation.
A popular example of these tools can be found with IP management systems. This is a complex topic. However, you can read All About IP Address Conflicts Guide + Recommended Tool usage directly from professional digital services.
In basic terms, these systems can detect when two or more devices on a network share the same IP address. This is a common issue, but it can cause considerable complications with business networks. Moreover, this issue can be difficult to diagnose and address without the right tools.
Staying Current with Social Media in the Mobile Age
Constantly monitoring social media can be tedious, especially now that we’re in the mobile age. However, it’s also an element of modern business that can’t be ignored.
With so many customers turning to social media for business inquiries, proper social media engagement can pay off hugely in terms of finding and maintaining a customer base. At the very least, businesses should consider spending half an hour a day on the likes of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Whether interfacing with clients or just removing spam, work in social media can have a cumulative and positive effect.

Thanks to howtostartablogonline.net on Flickr for the image
Navigating the Mobile Age with Ease
As mystifying as the first few steps can be in taking the above approaches, the same can be said of any unfamiliar aspect of running a business. Stick with it, and what was at first alienating will eventually become second nature. Given that the advantages of the mobile age are too great to ignore and the risks inherent in avoiding it so profound, the above options are worth seriously considering if you are at all interested in leveraging the opportunities of the mobile age.
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