Merry Christmas to all our Small Business Trends readers.
At this time of year, we reflect on the many people who regularly visit this site or who follow our updates on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.
Thank you for your support. You make it all worthwhile.
A big thank you from our Small Business Trends team — Staci, Leland, Shawn, Joshua, Matt, Amanda and Val. And thanks to the small business experts who devote so much of their time and expertise to this community. You’re outstanding!
Happy Holidays From Small Business Trends
A special greeting goes out to our readers from non-English language countries as well — at least the countries that I know of who visit our site.
We wish you Feliz Navidad; Buon Natale; Froehliche Weihnachten; God Jul; Boas Festas; Craciun Fericit; Joyeux Noel; Nollaig Shona Dhuit; Mele Kalikimaka; Nadolig LLawen; Kung His Hsin Nien; Glaedelig Jul; Kung Ho Hsin His; Vrolijk Kerstfeest; Pozdravlyau s prazdnikom Rozhdestva!
Those are holiday greetings in Spanish, Italian, German, Swedish/Norwegian, Brazilian Portuguese, Romanian, French, Irish Gaelic, Hawaiian, Welsh, Mandarin Chinese, Danish, Hong Kong Chinese, Dutch and Russian respectively.
And to all our readers who do not celebrate Christian holidays, we extend a warm winter greeting:
Shalom; Namaste; Salaam; Pleasant Winter Solstice.
We’ll be back tomorrow bright and early with more small business news, advice and tips for you.
Until then:
Peace on Earth, Goodwill to All
Image: Shutterstock
This article, “Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from Small Business Trends” was first published on Small Business Trends
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