The workplace needs to be fresh and comfortable to achieve optimum levels of productivity. As such, there is a need for fresh air to circulate and remove stale air from the premises to keep both staff and customers healthy.
Besides keeping people upbeat, fresh air helps you think better and increases energy levels. On the other hand, bad odors can cause disruptions in the workforce as well as chase away customers. This also applies to bathrooms, workshops and small confined spaces that can easily trap unpleasant smells.
One of the best ways to maintain a pleasing aroma inside the workspace is by using an automatic air freshener that releases small amounts of fragrances at a set interval
Rubbermaid Microburst
Top Pick: Rubbermaid is a leading manufacturer of commercial air dispensers. And according to the company makes the most reliable dispensing technology in the industry. This includes the scents to go along with it. The smart chip technology on this unit maximizes the effectiveness of scents for 90 to 180 days with the 9000 refills.
The LCD model has programming options that include, 12/24 hours per day; or 5, 6, or 7 days per week. It sprays the scent using a Pharmaceutical-grade steel valve to distribute the finest mist for longer-lasting effect.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products Microburst Automated Odor-Controlling Aerosol Air Care System,
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SVAVO LCD Fragrance Dispenser
Runner Up: This is a wall-mounted automatic air freshener dispenser that is ideal for offices, hotels and commercial places. SVAVO’s automatic LCD fragrance dispenser comes with an LCD display for easy programming and operations.
It works in three modes: Monday to Friday, Monday to Saturday, and Monday to Sunday. And the spray frequency interval time can be set anywhere from one to 60 minutes. It runs with 2 AA batteries and it comes in at 3.39 x 3.27 x 9.37 inches weighing just 14.1 ounces
SVAVO Automatic LCD Fragrance Dispenser – Wall Mount/Free Standing ABS Auto Air Freshener
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ELETA Dispenser
Best Value: Using the programmable smart chip technology you can set the dispenser to spray from every 1 to 60 minutes. This includes spraying on weekdays only or setting other intervals.
The device also lets you choose your favorite aerosol spray from different manufacturers. This includes Glade, Air Wick, Hospeco, Timemist and others. You can mount it on the wall or have it free-standing. All it takes is 2 1.5V D batteries.
ELETA Programmable Commercial Automatichttps://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00TDZ0IEG/ Air Freshener Dispenser
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Rubbermaid Commercial Dispenser
With up to 9,000 programmed, metered sprays, you can manage this dispenser to control your environment. Using the Rubbermaid 3000 or 9000 series of fragrances, the unit can spray the scent 5, 6, or 7 days per week, 12 or 24 hours per day. This includes high, medium, and low spray settings to control the amount of fragrance it releases.
The LCD display along with an audible alarm can notify you of the battery strength along with how much fragrance you have left.
Rubbermaid Commercial SeBreeze 9000 Programmable Plus Metered Aerosol Odor Control Dispenser
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Georgia-Pacific ActiveAire
This dispenser uses its ActiveAire Care System to deliver scents for up to 30 days with each cartridge. The fan-powered unit provides sustained scent release even if there is no ventilation in a room. And only one D battery powers the stainless-steel dispenser, which includes motion-sensing technology.
It is compatible with ActiveAire Powered Whole-Room Freshener Dispenser Refills, so you can easily find them when you run out.
Georgia-Pacific ActiveAire Powered Whole-Room Air Freshener Dispenser, Stainless Steel
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Scott Air Freshener
What makes this dispenser stand out is it doesn’t need any batteries. It is completely self-powered and has no moving parts. And a single cartridge lasts 60 days. The system works around the clock without the need to program or manage the dispenser.
The Scott dispenser is made by Kimberly Clark Professional, a leading brand in the industry.
Scott Automatic Air Freshener Dispenser, White
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Fyng Automatic Air Freshener
The Fyng dispenser can spray the fragrance every 1 to 60 minutes with 24 hour and Monday to Sunday work modes. It takes standard fragrance cans of 6.2 to 7 ounces from any brand making the same sizes.
A programmable LCD display shows the different operations so you can manage the spray of the scent. It uses two 1.5V D batteries and it includes a safety lock to keep the fragrance canisters safe.
Fyng Commercial Indoor Programmable Odor Neutralizing Automatic Air Freshener Dispenser
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How to choose your Air Freshener
The best air fresheners today are safe to use. This is an important point to consider because some people are sensitive to some scents, while others are outright allergic.
- Choose the right scent: Granted that air fresheners provide relief from foul odors. But beware to not replace them with strong overpowering scents. Look for mild and refreshing scents.
- Refills: When choosing refills for your air fresheners look for a dispenser that can accommodate several types of scent producers. That way you have options to choose from a variety of suppliers. This will give you flexibility and choice of scents if there are certain fragrances that you are not particularly fond of. It is important to note most refills last up to two months. However, the programming you set and usage will determine how long they last.
- Type: Just like scents, air fresheners are available in various forms too. Consider the type that will address your needs. Air fresheners also come either as portable or wall-mounted. You have a choice on whether to permanently install it in a particular room say your bathroom or move it around depending on where the foot traffic is most.
- Durability and price: Look for long-lasting air fresheners. Manufacturers will display life span, half-life and all the associated information. The material the air fresheners is made of should be both sturdy as well as eco-friendly. Make sure the unit can also be easily cleaned and managed.
- Additional features: Some fresheners come with LCD display to show the amount of fragrance available, a clock display, and options to set frequencies of spraying and much more. When buying an air freshener for public spaces appearance is a factor. Also, look for air fresheners with decorative elements to conceal their presence.
Though air fresheners help in removing the source of unpleasant odors you should not overlook the importance of air quality. Ventilation factors greatly in making the indoor air quality manageable. Ventilation can help bring in the fresh air, helps circulate stagnant air, reduce temperatures, and remove minute particles, allergens, and pollutants – ultimately protecting both employees and customers. By making sure there is adequate natural ventilation throughout the workplace you also help remove moisture that can create mold.
Air fresheners are versatile and can be used in most spaces. To add to their convenience, they can be easily controlled and set-up in minutes. With air fresheners, you can add fresh life to our office space or shop by creating an inviting fresh ambiance.
Images: Amazon.com
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