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One of the newest online form builders is AidaForm. Here we offer a brief review.
Forms and surveys are an important part of any online business. For one thing, having forms on your site will allow you to develop an email list. This will help you build your business. You can also use forms and surveys to collect detailed information from your website visitors, which lets you get to know your customers better.
But there are many other types of forms besides these two, and each form can elicit different responses. Plus, you can build forms in a variety of ways and pursue answers in a multitude of areas. In fact, you might have already considered using forms and surveys in your online business.
Google Forms is common choice for many businesses. However, many smaller companies simply don’t have the design and development capability—or the budget—to adequately implement this option. TypeForm, Wufoo, and Jotform provide similar solutions, and each has its unique advantages and drawbacks, depending on your needs.
In this post, we focus on one of the newest arrivals in this arena: AidaForm. Let’s see how it stacks up.
How AidaForm Helps You Create Online Forms and Surveys
AidaForm is an online survey and forms platform for business owners who want to develop, handle, and interpret consumer information for their organizations. With this platform, you can build and publish a variety of types of forms, from online surveys to career applications, because of its rich repository of templates.

AidaForm makes it easy for you to create exactly the form or survey you have in mind. Even better, you don’t have to understand HTML, thanks to this online form builder. All you’ll need to do is drag and drop the items you want to include, such as questions about different options your customers can choose from or queries about their contact details.
With AidaForm you most likely won’t even need any of the external system integrations that most other online form builders require. In fact, AidaForm allows you to choose whatever format you most prefer.
Plus, you’ll be able to display visually all customer responses to your forms and surveys. This makes AidaForm unique. Moreover, AidaForm will be cost-effective, because of its high degree of usability and functionality.
How AidaForm Helps Users to Create Online Forms
Have you ever tried to learn HTML? While it is considered a simple coding language, you can tie yourself in knots if you’re trying to learn it in a hurry while building an online structure.
So make it easy on yourself. Turn to a simpler alternative with AidaForm. You’ll be able to create online forms of any sort easily and efficiently with the AidaForm visual form builder. And if you need to change anything about your forms later, you can.
Using the drag-and-drop method, you can quickly create sign-up forms, invoices, surveys, and more. Then publish your forms directly from the aidaform.com website to your own. Next, share them if you like on the social media platforms where your customers hang out.
AidaForm’s Features
AidaForm has a powerful set of features that include customizable templates, as well as the ability to publish your forms online.
First, use pre-built templates as a starting point for your web forms, then customize them to best serve your needs. For example, the online order form template lets your customers place an order with your business. Then it gives them choices about their payment options.

With AidaForm you can also:
- Choose from a wide selection of themes
- Access and link to your own internal files
- Include records, deadlines, decisions, signature fields, and more
- Make use of CAPTCHA, Google Maps, and other powerful platforms
- Integrate with MailChimp, Zapier, and Dropbox, among others
As you create your form or survey, the AidaForm platform will generate the appropriate HTML code automatically. This makes it easy for you to publish your forms directly to your own website. Thereafter, you’ll have access to helpful views of customer responses, which you can then export into Excel or Google Sheets for deeper analysis.
The Benefits of AidaForm
Use the Online Form Builder
Aida’s most impressive selling point is its online form builder. Create the surveys and forms you need easily and quickly using the visual platform and the built-in customizable templates. Drag and drop from your own files until you have your form just the way you want it.
Publish and Share with a Single Click
Once you have your survey or form looking just the way you want it, check the type status, then use a single click to publish and share it with your customers.
View Customer Responses
Use the AidaForm graphic tool to view and analyze customer responses. For further data analysis, download to Excel or Google Sheets.
AidaForm is a powerful tool that will boost your advertising and marketing efforts. You can easily customize the AidaForm templates for your own purposes, integrating with CAPTCHA, Google Maps, Dropbox, and others. Then, publish your form or survey with just one click, making it easily available to your customers. Thereafter, view customer responses in visual format, or download to a spreadsheet for further analysis.
Best of all, you don’t have to learn HTML coding to get the best results out of the AidaForm Platform. So do yourself a favor and give AidaForm a try.
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