SEO and content marketing are always changing. So you need to make constant adjustments in order to be successful long term. In SEO and in other areas of business, some of these small changes can help you make a big impact. Here’s more from members of the online small business community.
Bookmark These Free Stock Photography Sites
Visuals can help your business get people’s attention and make your content more effective. If you don’t have the time or ability to take quality photos on your own, you might consider stock photography. The sites in this Crowdspring post by Katie Lundin may be able to help.
Do Your Research Before Hiring an SEO Company
Hiring an SEO company can help your business gain visibility online. But many businesses have had negative SEO experiences because they didn’t take the necessary steps before making this move. Gary Shouldis explains in this blog post and video from 3Bug Media.
Appear in Local Search Listings on Google Assistant and Google Home
Tons of consumers are using Google Assistant and Google Home to find relevant service providers and other businesses. So if your company isn’t included, you could really be missing out. In this Search Engine Land post, Greg Sterling details how Google selects these businesses and how to get yours included.
Optimize Your Blog Content for Google Rankings
Your company’s blog can also be a major help when it comes to SEO. To really make the most of it, you need to optimize that content for Google Rankings. Jasmine Demeester shares tips for doing so in this Pixel Productions post. And BizSugar members shared thoughts on the post here.
Refresh Your Marketing Content
Constantly creating fresh content can benefit your business — but it can also be time consuming. Save time by refreshing old content in a new way for your audience. Anne Leuman examines how B2B brands can do this in this TopRank Marketing post.
Reengineer Your Company’s Processes
It’s important to create processes for your business and stick with them. But if you notice less-than-stellar results over a long period of time, you may need to reexamine those processes. Ben Mulholland offers some reengineering tips in this Process Street post.
Decide Whether to Have a Boss or Be the Boss
Business ownership isn’t right for everyone. Your success in business may depend on whether or not you’re actually well suited for the job. Learn more in this post by Joel Libava on The Franchise King blog.
Invest in Website Testing
Your website can make a major impact on the success of your business. So if it’s not functioning correctly or not giving customers a positive experience, you could really be missing out. Ivan Widjaya explains why user testing can help you solve these issues in this Noobpreneur post.
Win Your SEO Battles
Mastering SEO requires a constant battle. You need to regularly make changes and adjustments to improve your rankings and bring in new traffic, as Enstine Muki discusses in this Inspire to Thrive post. You can also see comments from the BizSugar community here.
Don’t Try to Rank #1 on Google
Improving your search rankings is a worthwhile goal for any business. But a lot of businesses seem to get sidetracked and focus on the wrong things. Neil Patel goes into detail and offers some helpful insights for businesses in this post.
If you’d like to suggest your favorite small business content to be considered for an upcoming community roundup, please send your news tips to: sbtips@gmail.com.
Image: Depositphotos.com
This article, “10 Adjustments You Can Make to Improve Your Chances of Business Success” was first published on Small Business Trends
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